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ranger 0.16.2

  • Add Poisson splitting rule for regression trees

ranger 0.16.1

  • Set num.threads=2 as default; respect environment variables and options
  • Add hierarchical shrinkage
  • Allow vector min.node.size and min.bucket for class-specific limits

ranger 0.16.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-12

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.15.4

  • Add node.stats option to save node statistics of all nodes
  • Add time.interest option to restrict unique survival times (faster and saves memory)

ranger 0.15.3

  • Fix min bucket option in C++ version

ranger 0.15.2

  • Fix memory error for always.split.variables in certain settings

ranger 0.15.1

CRAN release: 2023-04-03

  • Fix quantile regression for factor variables in “order” mode

ranger 0.15.0

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.14.2

  • Switch to C++14 standard
  • Add min.bucket parameter to restrict terminal node size
  • Fix a bug with always.split.variables selecting the wrong variables

ranger 0.14.1

CRAN release: 2022-06-18

  • URL fix for CRAN

ranger 0.14.0

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.13.5

  • Fix weight calculation in case-specific RF (csrf())
  • Add method for predictions

ranger 0.13.4

  • Allow and always.split.variables together

ranger 0.13.3

  • Faster permutation variable importance for high dimensional data (thanks to Roman Hornung)

ranger 0.13.2

  • Add deforest() function to remove trees from ensemble
  • Fix cross compiling for Windows

ranger 0.13.1

CRAN release: 2021-07-14

  • Fix https URLs

ranger 0.13.0

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.12.4

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.12.3

  • Add … argument to ranger()
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.12.2

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.12.1

CRAN release: 2020-01-10

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.12.0

CRAN release: 2020-01-09

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.11.8

  • Add regularization
  • Faster computation (in some cases)

ranger 0.11.7

  • Add local variable importance

ranger 0.11.6

  • Add “hellinger” splitrule for binary classification

ranger 0.11.5

  • Add x/y interface
  • Internal changes (seed differences possible, prediction incompatible with older versions)

ranger 0.11.4

  • Add “beta” splitrule for bounded outcomes

ranger 0.11.3

  • Accept user-specified function in quantile prediction

ranger 0.11.2

CRAN release: 2019-03-07

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.11.1

CRAN release: 2019-01-24

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.11.0

CRAN release: 2019-01-21

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.10.6

  • Internal changes (slightly improved computation speed)
  • Warning: Possible seed differences compared to older versions
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.10.5

  • Add support of splitting weights for corrected impurity importance
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.10.4

  • Add inbag argument for manual selection of observations in trees

ranger 0.10.3

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.10.2

  • Add max.depth parameter to limit tree depth

ranger 0.10.1

CRAN release: 2018-06-04

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.10.0

CRAN release: 2018-05-29

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.9.12

  • Remove GenABEL from suggested packages (removed from CRAN). GenABEL data is still supported

ranger 0.9.11

  • Improve memory management (internal changes)

ranger 0.9.10

  • Add impurity importance for the maxstat splitting rule
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.9.9

  • Add ‘order’ mode for unordered factors for GenABEL SNP data (binary classification and regression)

ranger 0.9.8

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.9.7

  • Change license of C++ core to MIT (R package is still GPL3)

ranger 0.9.6

  • Better ‘order’ mode for unordered factors for multiclass and survival

ranger 0.9.5

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.9.4

  • Add class-weighted Gini splitting

ranger 0.9.3

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.9.2

  • Add fixed proportion sampling

ranger 0.9.1

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.9.0

CRAN release: 2018-01-09

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.8.5

  • Faster aggregation of predictions
  • Fix memory issues on Windows 7
  • Add treeInfo() function to extract human readable tree structure

ranger 0.8.4

  • Add quantile prediction as in quantile regression forests

ranger 0.8.3

  • Add standard error estimation with the infinitesimal jackknife (now the default)

ranger 0.8.2

  • Add bias-corrected impurity importance (actual impurity reduction, AIR)
  • Add impurity importance for survival forests

ranger 0.8.1

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.8.0

CRAN release: 2017-06-20

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.7.2

  • Handle sparse data of class Matrix::dgCMatrix
  • Add prediction of standard errors to predict()

ranger 0.7.1

  • Allow devtools::install_github() without subdir and on Windows
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.7.0

CRAN release: 2017-03-31

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.6.7

  • Improvements in holdoutRF and importance p-value estimation

ranger 0.6.6

  • Split at mid-point between candidate values

ranger 0.6.5

  • Better formula interface: Support interactions terms and faster computation

ranger 0.6.4

  • Add randomized splitting (extraTrees)

ranger 0.6.3

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.6.2

  • Drop unused factor levels in outcome before growing
  • Add predict.all for probability and survival prediction

ranger 0.6.1

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.6.0

CRAN release: 2016-10-07

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.5.6

  • Faster version of getTerminalNodeIDs(), included in predict()

ranger 0.5.5

  • Handle new factor levels in ‘order’ mode
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.5.4

  • Set write.forest=TRUE by default
  • Add num.trees option to predict()
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.5.3

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.5.2

  • Use unadjusted p-value for 2 categories in maxstat splitting

ranger 0.5.1

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.5.0

CRAN release: 2016-06-24

  • New CRAN version

ranger 0.4.7

  • Add splitting by maximally selected rank statistics for regression forests

ranger 0.4.6

  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.4.5

  • Use faster method for unordered factor splitting

ranger 0.4.4

  • Add p-values for variable importance
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.4.3

  • Add splitting by maximally selected rank statistics for survival forests
  • Bug fixes

ranger 0.4.2

  • Add Windows multithreading support for new toolchain

ranger 0.4.1

  • Runtime improvement for regression forests on classification data

ranger 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2016-04-07

  • New CRAN version. New CRAN versions will be 0.x.0, development versions 0.x.y

ranger 0.3.9

  • Reduce memory usage of savest forest objects (changed child.nodeIDs interface)

ranger 0.3.8

  • Remove tuning functions, please use mlr or caret

ranger 0.3.7

  • Fix bug with alternative interface and prediction
  • Small fixes

ranger 0.3.6

  • Add keep.inbag option to track in-bag counts
  • Add option sample.fraction for fraction of sampled observations

ranger 0.3.5

  • Add tree-wise

ranger 0.3.4

  • Add predict.all option in predict() to get individual predictions for each tree for classification and regression
  • Small changes in documentation

ranger 0.3.3

  • Add case-specific random forests

ranger 0.3.2

  • Add case weights (weighted bootstrapping or subsampling)

ranger 0.3.1

  • Catch error of outdated gcc not supporting C++11 completely

ranger 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2015-11-10

  • Allow the user to interrupt computation from R
  • Transpose classification.table and rename to confusion.matrix
  • Respect R seed for prediction
  • Memory improvements for variable importance computation
  • Fix bug: Probability prediction for single observations
  • Fix bug: Results not identical when using alternative interface

ranger 0.2.7

CRAN release: 2015-07-29

  • Small fixes for Solaris compiler

ranger 0.2.6

CRAN release: 2015-07-28

  • Add C-index splitting
  • Fix NA SNP handling

ranger 0.2.5

  • Fix matrix and gwaa alternative survival interface
  • Version submitted to JSS

ranger 0.2.4

  • Small changes in documentation

ranger 0.2.3

  • Preallocate memory for splitting

ranger 0.2.2

  • Remove recursive splitting

ranger 0.2.1

  • Allow matrix as input data in R version

ranger 0.2.0

  • Fix prediction of classification forests in R

ranger 0.1.9

  • Speedup growing for continuous covariates
  • Add memory save option to save memory for very large datasets (but slower)
  • Remove memory mode option from R version since no performance gain

ranger 0.1.8

  • Fix problems when using Rcpp <0.11.4

ranger 0.1.7

  • Add option to split on unordered categorical covariates

ranger 0.1.6

  • Optimize memory management for very large survival forests

ranger 0.1.5

  • Set required Rcpp version to 0.11.2
  • Fix large $call objects when using BatchJobs
  • Add details and example on GenABEL usage to documentation
  • Minor changes to documentation

ranger 0.1.4

  • Speedup for survival forests with continuous covariates
  • R version: Generate seed from R. It is no longer necessary to set the seed argument in ranger calls.

ranger 0.1.3

  • Windows support for R version (without multithreading)

ranger 0.1.2

  • Speedup growing of regression and probability prediction forests
  • Prediction forests are now handled like regression forests: MSE used for prediction error and permutation importance
  • Fixed name conflict with randomForest package for “importance”
  • Fixed a bug: prediction function is now working for probability prediction forests
  • Slot “predictions” for probability forests now contains class probabilities
  • importance function is now working even if randomForest package is loaded after ranger
  • Fixed a bug: Split selection weights are now working as expected
  • Small changes in documentation